Registration Tango Weekends Registration form tango weekends in Apeldoorn "*" indicates required fields1Indicate your choice2Your personal data3Personal data dance partner4Check and submit The fields indicated with an asterisk (*) are required.We / I would like to register for:* Tango Weekend for Beginners - 3 & 4 May 2025 Tango Weekend Intermediate - 28 & 29 June 2025 Name* First name Family name Place of residence*E-mail address* Phone number* Would you like to register your dance partner also?* yes no, my dance partner will register himself / herself I don't have a dance partner yetPlease answer the following questions if you don't have a dance partner yet.gender* woman man othertango experience, number of years*height in cm*my age*I would like to dance with:* a woman a man doesn't matter otherYou have indicated that your dance partner will register himself / herself. We would like to know who your dance partner is. Please fill out the name of your dance partner. If you don't know his / her name, for example because you just met during a trial lesson, then please indicate 'unknown'.Name dance partner* First name Family name Place of residence dance partner*E-mail address dance partner* Phone number dance partner*Would you like to receive our mailings?* only about tango weekends about tango weekends and salons about all activities: weekends, salons, lessons* no* If you register for all our mailings, you will receive an e-mail about once a month. Questions or remarks: Below is the information that you have given. Please check the data and then click the submit button. If you want to change anything, please click 'previous'. Please pay the costs of the weekend within one week after registration. If you register in the last month before the weekend, please pay the costs simultaneously. Transfer the payment to bank account NL58 INGB 0005 0127 12, to the attention of RPM Heeskens (BIC=INGBNL2A).